Transforming Aquaculture with Innovation


Nutritionally optimal and
sustainably produced live feed

Our live feed solutions ensures optimal nutrition for larval rearing. Enhancing feed efficiency, paving the way for a more sustainable marine aquaculture industry.

By prioritizing both nutritional value and environmental impact, we contribute to the advancement of responsible fish farming practices.

C-Feed employee with live feed substance

About us

Industrially farmed live copepods

At CFEED, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the aquaculture industry through innovation and sustainability.

Our pioneering approach ensures a superior start for marine larvae, driving healthier growth and fostering sustainable practices.

  • Stable high levels of essential fatty acids DHA (25%) and EPA (13%)
  • Protein content close to 70%
  • No need for enrichment
  • Stable and predictable quality
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Our product

Using copepods

Discover C-podz

Discover C-podz

Explore our premium-quality farmed copepod eggs, C-podz, designed to provide the best nutrition for marine larvae.

Sustainable Production

Sustainable Production

Our copepod eggs, sustainably farmed under controlled conditions, are shipped worldwide in cold transportation for freshness.

Bio-Safe Solutions & Commitment

Bio-Safe Solutions & Commitment

CFEEDs dedictaion to contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals underlines our commitment to a better future.

C-Podz bottle


Feeding the blue future

We are proud to say that we are feeding the blue future by helping aquaculture companies, all around the world, to rear and feed their larvae in a more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable way.

Our product

Our Species


Bio-security & sustainability

C-podz are intensively farmed at our land-based facility in Vanvikan, Norway. This gives us a stable production throughout the year, with no season variations.

With a closed and fully controlled production CFEED can deliver a bio-safe product. High level of water treatment throughout the whole production process eliminates risk of contamination. The production is regularly examined for both bacterial and viral pathogens. The eggs are disinfected before storage, and we have protocols for disinfecting the eggs after delivery to our customers.

Committed to the UN SDGS
Based on our potential for real impact CFEED has decided to contribute in particular to the achievement of the following UN SDGs

CFEED production facilities at Vanvikan

Mini Interviews

Read some of our client's experience with CFEED.


Recent news

Marking a decade of copepod innovation

Marking a decade of copepod innovation

In wild ecosystems, almost all fish larvae diets are based on copepods. When feeding with copepods, essential fatty acids, such as DHA and EPA, and essential amino acids are easily assimilated by the larvae improving fish growth and feeding behavior and reducing skeletal anomalies.

Microbial water quality of the copepod Acartia tonsa in cultures for use as live feed

Microbial water quality of the copepod Acartia tonsa in cultures for use as live feed

Copepods are considered to be the most abundant multicellular organisms in the world ( Hammervold et al., 2015 ). They are an important food source for numerous species across the higher trophic levels, both in fresh- and saltwater.

Video: CFEED x Dr. Katerina Loufi: A. tonsa effect on digestive system and deformities.

Video: CFEED x Dr. Katerina Loufi: A. tonsa effect on digestive system and deformities.

Acartia tonsa and the effect on development of Greater Amberjack and gilthead seabream 2024.

Source: Dr. Katerina Loufi

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