Our product

Hatchable Acartia tonsa copepod eggs

Building a Strong Foundation for Marine Larvae

Our comitment to superior aquaculture begins with C-podz, a premium live feed meticulously developed to establish a resilient start for marine larvae.

Our product is the natural feed for marine fish. Live Acartia tonsa copepods for marine aquaculture on demand.

C-Podz bottle

Out of the shelf

Out of the shelf live feed solution

Controlled production ensures consistently high quality and biosecurity, delivering a reliable and superior-quality product year-round.

C-podz can be stored in the fridge and are ready to be fed to the larvae within 24 hours

Production & Packaging

Production & Packaging

Our high-quality, fresh, and bio-secure copepod eggs are sustainably farmed under controlled conditions in our state-of-the-art on-land facility in Norway.

Transport & Storage

Transport & Storage

Each 1-liter bottle contains around 100 million eggs and is shipped globally under cold transportation for optimal freshness. The eggs can be stored several weeks between 1-4°C.

Hatching & Ongrowing

Hatching & Ongrowing

Copepod eggs are primed for hatching at your facility, providing hatched copepod nauplii ready for feeding within a swift 24 hours. The C-podz can be fed with algae (ask our team about which complementary algae products can be used in combination with c-podz).

Larval feeding

Larval feeding

We support our customers to design customized feeding regimes that suit their needs, expectations and budget. Our goal is to offer you the best live feed solution for your specific hatchery and business.


Feeding the blue future

C-podz plays a pivotal role in marine species' feeding during critical life phases, ensuring healthy larval nutrition for robustness, quality, and growth, significantly impacting the profitability of aquaculture businesses.

School of fish


Hatching and growing copepods


C-Podz egg that hatches
Video - How to hatch

How to hatch C-podz

An easy-to-use larval feed: See how easy is to hatch your C-podz.

Go to our CFEED Academy to learn more about the use of our product.

CFEED Academy

CFEED Procedure


Product Specifications

Product sheet

The Copepod Effect

Effect on the hatchery

  • Decrease in deformities
  • Increased survival
  • Faster growth, shorter cycles
  • Increased weight
  • Improved feed conversion ratio (FCR)

Effect on fish production

  • Better survival
  • Better and more even growth
  • Increased profitability through better quality product and better FCR

Global effect

  • Increased total protein production using same amount of feed
  • Sustainable produced feed
  • Potential for lower production cost for the industry


Copepod specifications

  • Ideal Feeding Size: Arcatia tonsa copepod Nauplii hatch at an ideal size of 100µm, perfectly suited for most marine fish larvae.
  • Essential Nutrients: C-podz offers essential nutrients for fish larvae, providing a nutritionally optimal starter feed.
  • Nutritional Richness: The copepods have a nutritional profile rich in DHA, EPA, taurine, and easily digestible proteins.
  • Enzyme-Enhanced Digestibility: Naturally active enzymes in C-podz enable high digestibility in the larval gut.
  • Stimulating movement: Natural jumping behavior of the nauplii stimulating the fish to feed.
The Copepod Effect
Larvae fed with C-Podz vs larvae fed with rotifers

Using C-podz vs. Conventional Feed

Choosing C-podz results in a lower rate of deformities, faster and more even growth, improved swim bladder health, enhanced gill covers, and even epigenetic benefits, as seen in cod populations with reduced skeleton deformities.

  • No Enrichment Needed: C-podz provides optimal natural nutrition to larvae without the need for enrichment.
  • Live Feed in a Bottle: C-podz is available in convenient bottles, simplifying handling and storage.
  • User-Friendly: Its ease of transfer and storage makes C-podz a user-friendly choice.
  • Versatile Usage: C-podz can serve as the main feed solution or be used in combination with other live feeds, enhancing efficiency.
Footer Wave
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