About us


CFEED was founded in 2014 based on more than 15 years of world-leading research and development by SINTEF Ocean and NTNU.

How it started

Innovation is in our corporate-DNA and our company is equipped with the know-how, experience and passion needed to have an industrial and stable production of a world-class live feed.

Our aim is to ensure that our clients get access to a product with the perfect balance of macro- and micronutrients for their larvae. Therefore, we have we have successfully developed and optimize the nutrition of our copepods with our own in-house algae production.

In March 2016 CFEED started operating its production facility in Vanvikan, Norway, which became the world’s first large scale production facility for copepods in history. Since the day we started to operate our commercial facility in Vanvikan, we have continuously developed and improved our processes, technologies and portfolio, in order to offer our clients a live feed with unique standard of excellence, biosecurity and traceability

Scientist with larvae feed
Employees at CFEED

Our team

CFEED has a strong technical, biological and management team, that over the last years have gathered a unique set of skills and experience within industrial live feed production and commerce.

In addition to our operative team, our board members are senior executives with diverse backgrounds and deep understanding of the aquaculture industry.

Maren Gagnat

Maren Gagnat

Production Director
Linn Baardsgaard

Linn Baardsgaard

Director of Sales & Marketing
Nikos Mitrizakis

Nikos Mitrizakis

Technical advisor
Tone Hatløy

Tone Hatløy

Technical advisor
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